Friday, July 22, 2011

To Seedrum, alias Stoney and Leopold Gursky.

You'd like this book by Nicole Krauss.

The last pages are exquisitely beautiful. I finished them in bed and that wonderful rich world remains with me, a so real fiction full of emotion and poetry.

The book is 'The History of Love' by Nicole Krauss but based on Leopold Gursky's book of the same name about his love, Alma, lost sixty years ago in Poland .

"When I looked up, she was standing there. Plain as day, a girl of fifteen, her hair in a braid, not five feet from me. She lifted her violin, the one her brother had brought her from Vilna, and lowered her chin to meet it. I tried to say her name. But. It lodged in my throat. Beside, I knew she couldn't hear me. She raised the bow. I heard the opening notes of the Dvorak. her eyes were closed. The music spilled from her fingers. She played it flawlessly, as she'd never played it in life."


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